So here is what happened this year we were split into year groups like normal and we were sent out for our first events. Usually there are people everyone would see not wanting to even try but alot of them did i was so surprised to see atleast a hundred smiles upon peoples faces after all the first event.
My favourite event was volleyball. The reason being is because we were all in the competitive mood. While we were playing, the song Mi Gente came on and all of us just got into an energetic mood. We all just started dancing and playing volley at the same time. All of us were just having a great time. Daniella did an awesome kick of the ball. It was funny how she fell, but still she had fun anyways after all, we still had the best athletics day ever. It's got to be one of the best days I've ever had.

Hopefully next year the year 8's can come back and have another good time with the new yr 8's Good luck next year
to the Teachers Juniors and seniors.Just keep your confidence high and your worries low if you failed the jump or missed the throw just laugh because "to laugh at yourself is to love yourself "a little wisdom from me to you Have A Good Time.
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