First ask are they alright so you can see what they need if it’s a hug or a friend or help from someone do it because no one deserves to be hurt or sad or bullied by someone or because of someone that thinks there all that because there older than you or because their taller than you. Just stand up to them because that’s what i did and they actually can’t do anything to you they just want you to think that.Be brave because i am and you should to because no matter what people say you are strong inside and out just tell that person if you think can do something to me or my friend you better tell me why and how it started or just do it and see what happens.
Phase 2
If they won’t stop go to a teacher tell use your wits ort just do what you would do if your sister or brother hit you. What i would do would not be appropriate
For school.Anyways just tell your friend not to talk to them ever again if they used to be friends or if they weren’t just ignore them until they say sorry.
that friend was lotu, fangapulotu talnoa
-Anahere kelly rm1 2016
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