
Thursday, 23 June 2016

paper mache boat

What you will need:
download pattern here
large cereal box
scotch tape
exacto knife
newspaper- 2 colors
wall paper paste
paint brushes
skewers. dowels or twigs
heavy duty thread
needles – various sizes

1.get the cardboard box and cut it out on the dotted line – the solid lines are for scoring -  there are little triangles on one end  – you can fold those back to trace the line onto your cardboard and poke your pencil through the tip of the V on the pattern to mark your cardboard.

2.Use a ruler to draw the lines as shown on the pattern. I’ve highlighted the lines to score in red. Use the BACK of your exacto knife to score the lines in red and then gently bend the boat into shape……

3.Bring the edges together and secure with lots of scotch tape – they shouldn’t overlap but just meet and last tape the front tips together.

4.Trim any  excess  so the back edge is smooth and now you should have a little boat shape. Cut a strip of cardboard that’s about 1 ” by 3″.

5.Bend that strip into a little triangle shape that fits inside your boat and tape it in , just a little closer to the front (bow ) than the back (stern), this will hold your mast. You’re ready to paper mache – I recommend 2 layers using different papers – so you can see when a layer is complete. You don’t have to let the boat dry between layers but I like to. I start with the inside of the boat closing up the little triangle space – you don’t have to fill it – just close it up.

5.Notes on paper mache – I find it easiest to do the edges first and  the smaller the pieces of paper the smoother and stronger the finished result.   I use golden harvest wheat paste. Add your second layer of paper, let it dry completely then paint it. I used a mixture of latex and water color.
6. Now you’re ready for the mast and yard ( part that attaches to the sail) . There are a number of things you can use  – dowels , skewers, twigs – today I’m using a bamboo skewer for the mast  and an 1/8 inch dowel for the yard. I have painted both. Poke a little hole with your exacto knife and insert your mast  ( insert the pointy end of the skewer), secure it with glue and trim the top to the desired length  – this will depend on the size of your boat ( if you have made the pattern larger or smaller) – my mast is 9 inches tall and my yard  is 12 inches long. Use your exacto knife to cut a little notch in your mast about an inch and 1/2 from the top.
7.   The notch will help the button you’re going to tie on stay in place. Tie the button as tightly as you can with your string and secure with a dab of glue.  Place the boat on a large piece of paper and lay the yard in place – we’re going to make the pattern for the sail. Hold the yard in place but slide the boat out and draw a triangle shape for your sail.

I like to make a note on the pattern to remind me which side the mast goes on.  Cut out your sail. embellish as desired and use a heavy duty thread to sew it to the yard.

 9. Poke holes in the boat for attaching buttons for the rigging. This is a pain in the ass and you need to use something very sharp, I used a really big embroidery needle. You can use as many buttons as you like. I like to have lots of rigging options so I used 4.  Once the buttons are on lay the sail on the mast and find the best spot to attach.

Add a length of about 4 inches to the sail where you would like it to attach to the mast  and just wind the string around the button on the mast. Attach several inches of string to the bottom corners of the sail and wind those around the buttons on the boat.  Tie a loop of string the the mast for hanging, secure it with glue and tie an extra piece of string around  to make sure it stays there.

Tuesday, 21 June 2016


          Colosseum competition!!!
3 weeks ago on friday mr burt gave us a comp to guess how old the competition. When we all got back to class we emailed how old the colosseum is and the next friday miss nua and mr burt said that i won i was so excited.

I got 2 principal's stickers and later that day i won a word search comp  and i got a chocolate and so did 
Elizabeth Glassie,Vinolia and amelia we were all
like happy especially elizabeth glassie she was so cool she had that swagger on she is really really cool so is amelia and vinolia we all like doing youthtown and tech well to conclude this  is the last post till next time!!!!

Wednesday, 15 June 2016

The comp

On the friday 2 weeks ago i was trying out for a competition i was the only one who got it right  so ni got a principals award actually 2 principals awards

the competiton was to guess how old the colosseum
Image result for colosseumImage result for colosseum

this competition was so cool

Image result for the word cool  logo it was the best comp for students of pt england

Thursday, 2 June 2016

a piece of work from my brother hone and his friend

Lehi and Hone Suzie and the Space Nuts from Team 4 Pes on Vimeo.
great work in team 4 see you next year 6's

Lava story

Image result for dinosaur emojiImage result for pacific oceanA long long time ago as if we were in the days of the dinosaurs lived two proud maunga above and below  the pacific ocean  and they  were like childhood sweethearts could not see each other  because they were separated and they were as sad as the groans of dying innocence because she lived underwater and he lived above water. But he sang and sang and then one day he ran out of hope and sank to the bottom of the sea and she came to the top of the sea and sang his song and they both reunited  and they were so happy as if it was christmas and they sang a song together, and promised to stay together forever and ever….Image result for maunga

Listen to the song and embrace the feelings of the volcanoes and there love that took years to come true and life its3f for them has just started and you can try see a maunga like them not far it is called Rangitoto ,Rangitoto so ready to meet her love,He talked to her using song, karakia and hope,Rangitoto rose from the sea but she was facing the other way like a coin when it was just flipped.Maungarei was inactive and sank but he became active when he  heard her sing his song.So he burst out of the water like an earthquake just hit . He was so happy he sang so beautifully like Queen latifah . They sang together like they were peter cetera and amy grant when they sang there love song.
They came together forever and ever like magnets. This is the song they sang ton be together I have a dream i hope will come true that you’ll grow old with me and i’ll grow old with you we thank the earth ,sea and the sky we thank too i lava you i lava you